Renaud Richardet

A History of Disbelief

First came computers programmed with assembly language,
And those who were still soldering transistors by hand cried out in disbelief.

Then came higher-level programming languages,
And those meticulously moving registers cried out in disbelief.

Next arrived libraries, frameworks, and the open-source revolution,
And those coding everything from scratch cried out in disbelief.

Then came machine learning with its feature engineering,
And those constructing intricate control flows cried out in disbelief.

Then deep learning arose with millions of artificial neurons and vast training data,
And those laboriously handcrafting features cried out in disbelief.

Then came transformers, wielding billions of parameters trained on the world's textual knowledge,
And those training models from scratch cried out in disbelief.

Then came ChatGPT, enabling natural, human-like conversations with AI,
And those convinced such capabilities were decades away cried out in disbelief.

Inspiration: Education in the age of AI, Dale Lane, TEDxWinchester

Not the end of the world

Hannah's Ritchie's new book Not the end of the world comes out extremely timely to me -- I've been dooming the end of the world for the last couple of years. And now this feeling, this fear is slowly giving way to a new phase.

In her book, Hannah tries to present us with the other side of the coin about climate change, biodiversity collapse, soil degradation, overfishing. She tries to stick to the facts as much as possible.

She gives me hope. Not hope that everything will be allright. But hope that everything will be. A healthy kind of hope, seems to me.

les mots sont importants

P. ex., quand j'entens "pas mal", mon "inconscient" "comprendra" "mal". De même, si on me dit "C'était vraiment bien le résultat de ton test, mais tu aurais pu faire mieux à la question 6", ce qui me restera c'est que j'aurais dû faire mieux à la question 6...

Soyons donc précis dans le choix de nos mots.

Alors quand on parle de "décroissance", je pense que notre cerveau voit juste une absence de croissance, alors que ça pourrait (devrait) être tellement plus que ça...

Vient encore le mot "sobriété". Je vois direct le costume sombre, pas fun du tout. Je vois le mec tout seul, qui ne s'amuse pas à cette fête. D'aucuns ont tenté de la déguiser en "sobriété heureuse", ... Elle reste un truc lugubre.
